What, indeed, is General Practice?
In Ireland , it is an independent business resourced from Public and Private revenue streams that offer general medical services to a population. Thus it retains autonomy but carries risking in terms of indemnity, employer obligations, infrastructure provision, pensions etc.
It has certain core characteristics, albeit changing.
- Continuity of care.
- Accessible / local.
- Equity of access.
- 24/7 care.
- All ages - "womb to tomb".
- Acute care - , high volume, early, undifferentiated.
- Chronic disease management & multimorbidity.
- Health Promotion & Prevention of illness.
- Screening.
- Gate keeper role.
- Holder of patients complete medical file.
- Link to other Primary / Secondary care - social care, community care etc.
As well as other roles such as
- Educator / Trainer.
- Career long learning with CME.
- Health Advocate.
- Policy matters.
- ICGP / IMO / Medical Council / Medicolegal.